karaokegal (karaokegal) wrote,

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Alphabet Meme

Ganked from speccygeekgrrl

A is for ACCENT: It's a mess. A little of my old Northern New Jersey, combined with over 20 years in Northern California and a few years of working with an boy from New England. Let's just say my pronunciation of "lawyer" sounds damn close to "liar," which is oddly appropriate in its own way.

B is for BREAST SIZE: 38-B

C is for the CHORE YOU HATE: Doing dishes.

D is for my DAD'S NAME: Murray

E is for the ESSENTIAL MAKE-UP ITEM: There isn't one. I've completely given up. If I bothered anymore it would probably "Bad Girl Black Eyeliner by Benefit".

F is for FAVORITE PERFUME: Again, I don't bother anymore. I still kind of like the old "Field Flowers" by Avon.

G is for GOLD OR SILVER: I guess Silver in light of my new brooch.

H is for HOMETOWN: New York by birth, Fair Lawn, NJ by fate and San Francisco by the grace of god.

I is for INSOMNIA: Yeah. And the need to get up in the middle of the night and eat, whether I'm actually hungry or not.

J is for JOB TITLE: Travel Goddess

K is for KIDS: Never, never, never, never, never.

L is for LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: With hubby in an apartment.

M is for MOM'S BIRTHPLACE: Hmmmmm. I knew she was raised in Queens. Not sure if she was born there or in Manhattan.

N is for the NUMBER OF APPLES YOU'VE EATEN: Who the hell actually knows the answer to this? I really like apples. Thousands, I'd assume.

O is for OVERNIGHT HOSPITAL STAYS: None that I can think of.

P is for PHOBIA: Public humiliation.

Q is for QUEST: Public adulation

R is for RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Imperfect atheist.

S is for SIBLINGS: Younger sister.

T is for the TIME YOU WAKE UP: 6:00AM if I'm going to the gym. 7:00AM if I'm walking to work. 7:30AM-745AM if I'm taking BART.

U is for the UNNATURAL HAIR COLORS YOU'VE WORN: I've been a fake redhead for many, many years.

V is for the VEGETABLE YOU REFUSE TO EAT: Not a big fan of brussel sprouts.

W is for WORST HABIT: Procrastination

X is for the X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: One for the self-inflicted stupidity stair-hopping incident, once when I was suffering back-pain, eventually diagnosed as bursitus from being fat. Probably some when I was a clutzy kid.

Y is for the YUMMY FOODS YOU MAKE: I cook a mean pan of Rice-a-Roni and I can time a rare steak to perfection IF I don't get distracted on-line.

Z is for ZANY QUIRK: Narrating my life...sometimes out loud.
Tags: meme

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