karaokegal (karaokegal) wrote,

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Come As You're Not-Day 3

Hey Guys! I know I'm a little late with the post, but it still must be Tuesday somewhere, right?

We're definitely having a more intimate soiree this year, but the costumes are stunning and as far as I'm concerned that just means more booze and bartenders to go around. I have it on good authority, that various attendees and their costumes are still making their way into town having been delayed by voting, traffic, and trying to make bail.

Dinner options tonight will come from the various restaurants in my neighborhood representing the Asian Continent.

Chinese food from Big Lantern
Sushi from Tokyo Gogo
Thai from Bangkok 16
Vietnamese from Thanh Tam II
Indian from Maharajah

Plus, there's left-over pizza, if you really hate all of the above.

Tonight's play-list is a little tribute/reaction to the US Elections today, and though I'm trying to keep politics, religion and sports (aside from naked twister) out of the Yurt, I suspect of few of my feelings on the matter may have seeped through.

I've also posted my key to last night's House MD Playlist-Right Here.

Please keep reading and giving goodies. Some of you made costumes on the grand-scale and I'm still working on reading through all of them myself. You guys are all AMAZING!!!
Tags: come as you're not, come as you're not 2010

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