karaokegal (karaokegal) wrote,

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"Looking For Clues" White Collar Drabble Neal, Peter, Fowler

Title: Looking For Clues
Fandom: White Collar
Characters: Neal, Peter, Fowler (with some stealth Peter/Neal)
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011 Day 80. Prompt from michelleann68: Don't confuse the truth with your pain. Beta'd by hllangel. Comments and concrit welcome.
Summary: Something Neal needs to do.

“Peter, I want to talk to him. I need to talk to him.”

Neal knows that look on Peter’s face. It’s the one where he wants to protect Neal from himself and can’t. He hates putting Peter through it, but this is too important. His last chance to talk to Fowler.

“Fine. Just...”

“I know. Nothing stupid. I promise”

“Yeah, sure.”

He both hates and pities Fowler and part of him still wishes he’d been able to pull the trigger. Right now, he needs to go in there and ask the bastard one last question.

Will it ever get better?
Tags: drabble, drabble-a-day 2011, fanfic, neal caffrey, neal/peter, peter burke, slash, white collar

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