karaokegal (karaokegal) wrote,

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Merry Month Pimpage and request for prompts!

The Merry Month of Masturbation is running again!

The Merry Month of May Masturbation.

The challenge is to post a masturbation fic for every day in May.

31 days. 31 stories. All involving masturbation in some way (doing it, talking about it, watching it, we're easy...)

Any fandom, any genre, any character, any pairing or moresome. As long as wanking is involved somewhere, we'll take it.

We ask that stories are at least 100 words long, although there's no upper limit. (I'm still waiting on someone writing that 20,000 word wanking epic...)

If you don't feel like you can do all 31 days, then please feel free to post for as many days as you want to - even if that's just one day out of the month. It's great if you can do all 31 days, but we're not going to turn down any wank ;-)

Bring on the wank, people; you know you want to ::grin::

(Also, please feel free to pimp this - after all, the more wank, the better...)


This means that the Drabble-a-Day 2011 fics for May will all be wank-fics as well. (Not to mention two weeks in the UK!)
And that means I need more prompts. I'll be continuing to draw from the previously submitted prompts, but I'd love to have some mmom specific prompts. Any fandom that you know or suspect I can write. (See the tags.) Any character or pairing or OT3. Don't forget RPS and RPF pairings. Spread the word and spread the love.
Tags: drabble, drabble-a-day 2011, mmom, mmom 2011, pimping

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