karaokegal (karaokegal) wrote,

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30 Days of Torchwood Meme-Day 5

Ganked from teamharkness and presented in honor of Torchwood: Miracle Day, premiering on July 8, 2011.


Day 05 - A scene that made you cry

Here we go again. Straight back to Captain Jack Harkness.

The thing is, I'm generally not a weeper. I don't cry at movies, TV shows etc. There are other moments in Torchwood that make me want to cry, but it takes a really special combination of my inherent love for the main character, the spectacular chemistry between Barrowman and Matt Rippy plus the glamour of the setting and and the music to actually get the tears going. (Extraordinary how potent cheap music is.- Noel Coward.) It's so much like a 1940's Warner Brothers movie, specifically Now Voyager. That's right, Barrowman=Bette Davis.

Anyway, in all its beautiful,sensual, sentimental glory:

Tags: 30 days of torchwood, jack harkness, torchwood

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