(Slightly belated, but wishing you this.)
Merry Month of Masturbation 2013-Day 6- House MD House/Wilson Post-Series
Title: Every Day Sees Another Scar Fandom: House MD Pairings: House/Wilson (UST and Angst ONLY), Wilson/Julie, reference to House/Stacy Rating: NC17…
"Fallen Angels" House MD Beatnik AU House/Wilson Rating-R
Title: Fallen Angels Fandom: House MD Genre: Beatnik AU Pairing: House/Wilson (references to House/Stacy, Wilson/Amber, Wilson/Kutner) Rating: R…
"The House Syndrome" Epilogue
Title: The House Syndrome Chapter: Epilogue Fandom: House MD Pairings: Wilson/Park, House/Wilson Worcount: This Chapter-1425 Rating: NC17 Warnings:…
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