karaokegal (karaokegal) wrote,

On the road again!

First vacation since Maui 2014.

That was an amazing trip because was at my thinnest and I got the news that I was finally getting away from the Desk of Doom. Plus, you know, MAUI!

It was also horrible because I was at a restaurant that had these delicious hot rolls served with herbed butter and I uttered the immortal words,"Gluten, shmuten; give me the bread." I spent the rest of the trip binging, mostly on chocolate covered macadamia nuts and trying to hid that fact from my husband.

That was the beginning of the binge that brought me to my knees and back to OA.

Two weeks from today will be two years since my last binge and in about an hour my husband and I are getting on a plane to Ireland.

I'm carrying my own food for the plane. I've scoped out meetings. I'll stay in touch with my food buddy and my sponsor. I will do yoga in my hotel room if necessary and make sure I meditate everyday.

This is hubby's dream trip. We're going to Ennis in County Clare for the Fleadh Cheoil. I'm along for the ride and frankly, no matter what else happens, I'll consider it a success if I stay emotionally abstinent and don't binge.

I'll be posting here, but I also invite anyone and everyone to follow me on FB as well. I'm there under my real name and I have become one of THOSE people. Pictures will likely be appearing there in profusion.

Wish me luck folks!

I've had massive anxiety about what I'm going to eat and where and how I'll exercise. Just getting checked in was a hassle because we got here way too early. It hadn't occurred to me that since Aer Lingus has only one flight out of SFO, they don't open check in more than three hours before departure. Oops!

Anyway, as of now, we're checked in and chilling out at my "office."

Tags: hubby, travel

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