karaokegal (karaokegal) wrote,

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Tell me again why I do this?

I'm home from the San Francisco Half-Marathon, which I finished in less than four hours (barely) and ahead just enough people to not be the most pathetic.

It's been raining all weekend and by last night I told myself that if I woke up today and it was pouring I was going to bail. The streets were wet and the sky was cloudy, but it wasn't actually raining when I called the cab at 7:00AM. At least it wasn't raining in the Mission. There was drizzle at the starting line in Golden Gate Park. Drizzle, I can handle.

The first part of the run was out of the park, around the panhandle and back through the park. Then out of the park onto the Great Highway for three extremely boring miles out and back during which you mostly pray to see the turn-around and never do. In this case, the pouring rain, plus wind, hit just as we got out of the park, lasted for the better part of a mile and then it was sunny for the next two miles.

The worst part was the temptation to pull a "Rosie Ruiz" and jump into the group running in the other direction. But no. I went all the way to the turn-around and was rewarded with a rainbow over the Great Highway. Pretty magical. Except as we got back the park, we ran through that exact same patch of cold, windy rain, mot to mention a whole bunch of us back-of-the-packers, attempting to skirt giant puddles. I kept joking that it was a Triathlon and we had to swim the puddles. Hahaha.

Anyway, I did finish. Got my medal, t-shirt and some bananas. (As a wise man once said, "Bananas are good.") I sat down in pain near the med-station where a nice lately kept a careful eye on me and gave me one of those giant tin foil blankets that make me feel like a turkey about to be basted or something. (Or maybe i'm a turnkey for doing this in the first place.) The tin foil blanket does nothing for sore feet, legs and ass.

My best luck of the day was staggering out of the park at the far end and immediately finding a taxi, which I hadn't been expecting at all. God protects drunks and fools

I don't blame hubby for the lousy weather, but I might have been better rested and prepared if it wasn't also the Bluegrass festival this weekend so that I was out late Friday and Saturday night, not to mention standing in line in the rain for various events. (I'll write that stuff up later.)

I'm not that enthused about the Superbowl (Go Giants) but I will play Fox's game and have it on so that I can have my House party afterwards. This means skipping the MInt today, which is painful for me, but I could use a solid afternoon to write and since hubby is working tonight, he's sleeping now, which means no distraction. At least not from him.

I'll take a hot bath, run out on errands, come home, write and wake him up for dinner at 5ish.
Tags: journal, running, writing

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