karaokegal (karaokegal) wrote,

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Housebabble on hold and other stuff.

I'll do a double-babble after the episode tomorrow night.


I'm home in bed, trying to read some fic and then watch Countdown. My fic reading is way, way behind, so I'm cutting my flist down until I'm caught up. Mostly I'm going individual LJs instead of comms. If you think I need to read something, let me know. Don't worry about being a pain, or a self-aggrandizing comment whore. We self-aggrandizing comment whores need to stick together. If you've got an awesome, non-schmoopy, non-fluffy piece of smut in either the House or Dr. Who/Torchwood fandoms, let me know.


As some of you may know "Milk" is currently shooting in San Francisco, with Sean Penn as Harvey Milk and as I've just found out, Victor Garber (squeeeeeeee!) as George Moscone. Josh Brolin is playing Dan White.

There's an article in this weeks SF Weekly, where Ray Sloane who is gay and was Dan White's campaign manager tries to make the case that White wasn't a homophobe and not a closet case. He says that White admired and respected Milk until things went wrong over one issue.

The article is here: http://www.sfweekly.com/2008-01-30/news/white-in-milk/

On some level, it's an interesting argument and on another Who Gives A Fuck? Murder is murder. How much does it matter whether it was politics or homophobia?

Reading tea leaves on the TV guide cover-and ignoring the article, which is the usual inconclusive rubbish.

For those who haven't seen it's a picture of Hugh looking all debonair and smirky and holding the cane with the elaborate handle, and he's with Lisa E-seated and smoking a cigar, Olivia Wilde, looking a lot like ol' skool Cameron, and Jennifer, in a deep v-neck dress giving the camera her best sultry look and with her hand on Hugh's shoulder. Touching him.

My Spidey sense and the paranoid bitching of a paranoid bitch tell me that Dave&Katie still have a hot nut for their dream House/Cam hookup and if the strike gets settled, they will try to go there. This includes my pet theory that they're using a potential House/Thirteen romance to leverage Hugh into cooperating with House/Cam.

Afternoon and evening binge including Jelly Bellys and chocolate covered yummies. (Nuts, raisins, maltballs etc.) And then some deli nibbles. And then more candy.

That's enough of that.
Tags: food, journal, rambling

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