karaokegal (karaokegal) wrote,

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Wired For Sound

I'm so very happy right now.

Ivan came over this AM. We went out for brunch and then came back here. Hung out Hubby showed him pictures. We talked history. Mellow morning.

But on to the good stuff.

I have a friend named Rich, who has been one of my karaoke buddies for years and who I have a major crush on. He's a short gay fellow in his mid-50's and for some reason, I've been consumed with the desire to shag him senseless for years. He has some major issues with depression and self-esteem and sometimes he hides out (as in, doesn't show up at the Mint) for months or even years, which has been the case.

Rich appears in my unsold novel "Hooray For West Hollywood" as "Mitch Sparrow" and the character carries over into NOVEL 2008.

Back at Christmas, in an effort to 1. smoke him out and 2. spread the Barrowmania, I sent him John Barrowman's Cole Porter CD, and proceeded to not hear boo. Today while I was at the Mint, Jim the bartender picked up the phone and handed it to me. I thought it might be Hubby, although I had my cell on and in my jeans, so I should have heard or felt it, if he wanted to call.

A voice on the phone said "this is the ghost of Karaoke past." It was Rich and he said he was on his way over to the Mint to see me. This threw me into an utter tizzy. I'd been already having much fun with Sebastian, Peggy, Daddy Dave etc. It was really crowded so I only got to do two songs, but it was OK, because OMG!!!! RICH!!!!!!!!!

He showed around 7ish and we stood outside, talking and talking and talking. I love this guy so much. He thanked me for the CD, said he loved John's voice and more importantly his Parrot, Brackket loves John, especially his version of "After You, Who." He gave me an autographed CD by a singer I've never heard of named Shawn Ryan.

Rich says he'll start showing up at the Mint again, which I'll believe if and when I see it, and he also wants to hook-up with me and Tommy if we ever get it together to go to Octavia Lounge for open mike at the piano bar.

I'm taking this as a very positive sign. Since I'm writing Novel 2008 partly from my Rich obsession (which has recently been eclipsed by my Barrowman obsession, which also plays into the book) having him around will be inspirational.

At 740PM I went inside to order sushi. While I was waiting, Donatello showed up with some bizarre story about this guy he knows who was a dancer at the Nob Hill Cinema and porn star who went to the doctor for back pain and they gave him ibuprofen and the next day he was paralyzed from an abscess on his spine. I have no idea if this complete b.s. or what, but it was interesting.

Now I just have to go to work in the AM and deal with the post-Tobie fall-out.
Tags: barrow-mania, journal, karaoke, writing

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