- 1st
- 01:11 pm Boss-In front of Delfina - 3 comments
- 11:07 pm The reason I did not ride my bike to work today. - 2 comments
- 2nd
- 11:30 am Oh, it's going to be that kind of a day. - 4 comments
- 01:07 pm Come As You're Not 2012-The Legend Returns! - 46 comments
- 08:18 pm "What is Best?" Sherlock (BBC) drabble Sherlock/Mycroft Rating-PG - 8 comments
- 4th
- 08:15 pm "Such A Fine Line" Star Trek TOS drabble Kirk/Spock Rating: G - 6 comments
- 5th
- 01:09 pm "The Genius In The Gene" House MD drabble House/Wilson Rating-G - 10 comments
- 01:58 pm Tell me again.... - 6 comments
- 7th
- 09:34 am RIP Marvin Hamlisch - 3 comments
- 11:15 am 100 TV Shows #42-Cracker - 18 comments
- 03:14 pm Signal Boost a/k/a Pimping for Aimee Kuzenski's Kickstarter
- 03:34 pm And while I've got the hat on-it's Fanfic Pimping Time! - 11 comments
- 8th
- 11:34 am Atlas - 15 comments
- 03:01 pm "They'll Luster On" Torchwood drabble Jack/John Rating-G - 17 comments
- 9th
- 09:27 am Hold me, F-list! - 28 comments
- 04:13 pm RIP Jack Fertig-a/k/a Sister Boom Boom
- 10th
- 03:05 pm RIP Judith Crist
- 11th
- 09:47 am Now are you paying attention? - 17 comments
- 11:15 am "Speak To Me" RPF drabble Jack Coleman/Joan Collins Rating-R - 11 comments
- 09:13 pm Happy Belated Birthday sakinow
- 13th
- 11:23 am Sister Risque of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. - 7 comments
- 02:00 pm RIP Helen Gurley Brown - 1 comment
- 09:13 pm "High Time" Torchwood drabble Jack/OMC Rating-PG
- 14th
- 09:35 am Ship Me Meme - 1 comment
- 10:15 am RIP Ron Palilo - 9 comments
- 03:01 pm 100 TV Shows-#43-Mad Men - 5 comments
- 15th
- 05:11 pm "Prince of Darkness" Torchwood drabble Jack/Ianto, Jack/Gwen, Gwen/Rhys - 6 comments
- 07:16 pm Happy Birthday athenais
- 07:34 pm Barrowmania News - 12 comments
- 16th
- 10:34 am Sad story in today's paper about the Brown twins. - 11 comments
- 17th
- 10:22 am 100 TV Shows #44-Countdown with Keith Olbermann - 11 comments
- 18th
- 02:22 pm Happy Birthday petrichor_fizz
- 20th
- 09:29 am Random TV notes-Warehouse 13, Doc Martin, Leverage, The LA Complex - 27 comments
- 10:18 am RIP Tony Scott - 12 comments
- 01:05 pm RIP Scott McKenzie - 4 comments
- 01:08 pm RIP Phyllis Diller - 9 comments
- 21st
- 12:49 pm Fun invitations that show up in my email: - 2 comments
- 23rd
- 02:30 pm Attn RSL fans: (I guess Bobby's decided to stay in LA awhile.) - 8 comments
- 08:04 pm Lance Armstrong - 4 comments
- 24th
- 11:08 am 100 TV Shows #45 Vega$
- 25th
- 12:17 pm RIP Neil Armstrong
- 26th
- 10:59 am Poetry reading tonight in San Francisco
- 01:19 pm Happy Birthday chewy_101
- 27th
- 12:08 pm Weekend highlights (includes TMI and movie spoilers for Premium Rush) - 2 comments
- 28th
- 11:35 am Obligatory Political Rant of the Day! - 3 comments
- 09:57 pm Happy Birthday jadesfire2808
- 29th
- 09:39 am A quote from Spider Robinson and some body image stuff.... - 10 comments
- 12:27 pm Hazel-in front of Katz's Bagels on 16th St. - 10 comments
- 30th
- 11:33 am 100 TV Shows-#46 Anything But Love - 3 comments