Part A-
Whiney Little Bitch
All the whinging, whining and crying in Cyberwoman
All the whinging and whining in Countrycide
Tummy rats in Greeks Bearing Gifts
“Jack needs me,” (At pretty much the same time Jack is telling CJH-“No, there’s no one.”)
KKBB-Are you going back to him?
Partners in what way?
TTLM-Whining-Would you go back to your own time?
Whinging, whining and crying in Adam.
Glowering behind Martha right after she enters the main door of the hub and Jack is sparkling at her.
Breaking in on Jack and Gwen dancing.
Crying in From Out of the Rain.
Solddier in a bar jealousy in The Stolen Earth
Part B
Barely Utilitarian Fuck Toy
Series 1
Day One-He'll shag ANYTHING if it's gorgeous enough.
You people and your quaint little categories.
Estelle-Does Jack ever look at Ianto like that?
Countrycide-Kissing discussion. Assuming they're telling the truth, and they ARE fucking, it doesn't seem to involve kissing.
EOD-Jack pulls away from kiss to hug Owen.
BUH BYE - Jack leaves to look for Doctor
Jack's love for Doctor, flirting with Chantho, Martha, cute guy at end of world.
Does Jack make any special mention of Ianto when the Doctor finds out he works for TW?
Series 2
Jack only asks for date AFTER he finds out Gwen is engaged.
Jack only kisses Ianto in TTLM to get him to stop whining
"We dabble"
Hand-cuffs and sex toys (Captains Blog-psuedo canon) Unit cap-Costumes. Jack is bored bored bored.
Meat and Something Borrowed-Jack is more or less obsessed with Gwen while Ianto is left brooding in the background. See loving, longing look on face when dancing with Gwen at wedding prior to awkward cut in. Also, Jack alone at hub with pictures of wife. NO IANTO!
Also-Something Borrowed: "Ianto, PIzza, Save the World" alll things he "does". No matter how you rank it, Ianto is not the most important.
Adrift-Groping in a hot-house when it was very likely Gwen or someone would walk in? Very romantic. Also-inviting Gwen to naked hide and seek.
Canon-subversion fic: Show-Off Most plausible explanation for "It doesn't matter."
Exit Wounds-Complete and utter lack of OMG, I'm so glad you're all right. Or attempt to make Ianto more important than Gwen in hugs.
All body language indicates J/I/G, ditto the Stolen Earth.