karaokegal (karaokegal) wrote,

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Come Monday-It'll be another PIMP POST!

The closer we get to the holidays, the more fic flies under our busy radars and gets over-looked. Let's go show some LOVE!


Katana by k_haldane

A lovely Genfic, featuring Tosh and Gwen. Great insights into both characters.

Possibly, Maybe by santousha Jack/Gwen, but just as dark as any TW era Jack fic should be.

State of Play/Life on Mars:

OMG!Sexy, sultry, HOT! fic featuring Cal McCaffrey & Sam Tyler. How freaking awesome is that?

Simm on Simm fic

House MD:

Home For Christmas by topaz_eyes

Yes, it's a H/W friendship fic with a Christmas theme, but I promise you, she totally delivers the pain and angst and REAL!HOUSE/WILSON like nobody's business. You will suffer and love every minute of it.
Tags: house md, journal, pimping, torchwood

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