karaokegal (karaokegal) wrote,

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I watched Bones yesterday....like ALL DAY!

Seriously. After I got back from the run and grocery shopping, we watched Bones episodes from the marathon ALL DAY. Like from 10AM to 9PM. I don't love the show passionately, but I like watching it, mostly because I'm so non-invested in it on any kind of emotional/ship level. I like the banter and the snark, can ignore the squicky stuff and when people act INSANELY OUT OF CHARACTER, I just shrug it off and say "the writing for this sucks." Obviously I adore the episodes with Stephen Fry, but I've even warmed up to the Sweets character.

While that was going on, I replied to my yuletide comments, chatted with some of my Gmail/LJ buds, did my LJ catch-up and went back to the first chapter of Winners & Losers a/k/a Novel 2008 a/k/a Novel 2009. I've made one heady-duty decision about the plotting that will require some changes to what I've written so far, but will also make the sell a little easier. It's still about a sub-culture (guess which one?) but about a more generic situation within the subculture rather than a very particular one that happened to me.

I also ate a lot yesterday. Too much. All-day mindless noshing. Bad Bad Bad.

This morning's plan was to get up and go run around Dolores Park for an hour, in other words: HILLS. Unfortunately it was pissing rain, so I bundled up and went downtown to the gym for some weights. Then I stopped by Virgin and wound up getting the new Tom Jones album, Mama Mia soundtrack (for the kitsch/camp and poor Pierce Brosnan) and yet another copy of John Barrowman Swings Cole Porter to give away as a Barrowmania conversion tool.

Big Frank from the Mint works there and I spent some time groveling for not going to the Christmas concert. He's having his bday party at the Mint on the Sunday before the Squeeee Odyssey so michelleann68 and I can stop in to help celebrate that.

I got home just as hubby was watching Dying Changes Everything, and walked in just in time to scream SHUT THE FUCK UP THIRTEEN! But then came the House/Wilson stuff and OMG-Those two are still magical. Why? Why are they ruining our show with this crapola?

Not sure what we're doing today. There's a bunch of Houses on DVR but I will not sanction any 4th or 5th Season. There's a film called Angry Monk playing at the Roxie-We might go to see that. I'm taking today as an unpaid. The building is closed, the Law Firm is closed and I just didn't feel like giving up a vacation day.

As we've learned the hard way...you never know when you might need one.


I've apparently been nominated for an award at Children of Time , in the Captain Jack Harkness category. It for this fic: Command Performance Which I am pretty damn proud of. Voting opens Feburary 1, so I'll definitely be reminding you of that.


There will be some major pimpage going out for myself and others on Monday, but I figure there's not much point doing it now because of the weekend/holiday commment vortex.
Tags: exercise, food, journal, pimping, writing

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