karaokegal (karaokegal) wrote,

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Song/Drabble meme

Ganked from speccygeekgrrl

Give me a character, fandom and prompt that you want me to write for. Then, go through your iPod/iTunes and give me the name and artist of the most appropriate song you hear. I will have as long as the song lasts to write you the fic.

Obviously, I'll need a song link to do this! (I really did gank the meme. It's not just a way for me to get more songs.)
Tags: journal, meme, music

  • Another accomplishment!

    All the drabbles from the 2011 Drabble-a-Day project have now been posted to A03.

  • The entire Hugh & Bobby RPF series is now posted to A03

    I noticed I was still getting the occasional comment from a new reader and I figure anyone who starts the journey should have the opportunity to go…

  • Shetland!

    Jimmy/Duncan I need to start reading fic immediately. I need to *not* start considering Yuletide possibilities. Done is done. (We started Hinterlands…

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  • Another accomplishment!

    All the drabbles from the 2011 Drabble-a-Day project have now been posted to A03.

  • The entire Hugh & Bobby RPF series is now posted to A03

    I noticed I was still getting the occasional comment from a new reader and I figure anyone who starts the journey should have the opportunity to go…

  • Shetland!

    Jimmy/Duncan I need to start reading fic immediately. I need to *not* start considering Yuletide possibilities. Done is done. (We started Hinterlands…