karaokegal (karaokegal) wrote,

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Seven Day Meme

Ganked from speccygeekgrrl

The 7 days meme:

day one • a song
day two • a picture
day three • a book/ebook/fanfic
day four • a site
day five • a youtube clip
day six • a quote
day seven • whatever tickles your fancy

Mixing two of my favorite things in the world-Puppppppeeeeeees and Obama

Thanks to hllangel for bringing this to my attention:

Puppy with an Obama button
Tags: journal, meme

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  • Nice week off.

    Lots of yoga, live 12-step meetings, some karaoke and oodles of walking while the Bay Area was blessed with some gorgeous weather. I finally put on…

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    Probably my last one, unless my work schedule and priorities change drastically. Thanks to all my writers, recipients, betas and hand-holders.…

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    Private yoga lesson with my favorite teacher-CHECK! Massage that I've been promising myself since hubby broke his arm-CHECK And now I'm set up at a…