karaokegal (karaokegal) wrote,

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Heroes babble for "Tabula Rasa" and "Strange Attractors"

Live blogged while watching back to back eps on Tivo

Tabula Rasa

STFU Samuel

Peter/Hiro….I am NOT going to ship them. No. No. No.
No No No.
Stop giving him those puppy dog eyes Peter. (And vice versa.) Don’t touch him.

Peter/Emma-No chem. Whatsoever.

Jesus---the Sybrows are looking especially thick and healthy today.

Hello Noah! Looking yummy in your blue shirt there. Hello Claire. You’re looking hot too. And Peter…”It’s been awhile since I teleported.” Awwwwww! When did I stop hating Peter? (And why is this show trying to make me ship HIM with everybody. It’s bad enough I do that with Noah and Nathan. Now it’s Noah/Peter. AGAIN)

OH. Shy Sylar. And clueless Sylar. So sweet!

Adrian’s in the credits, so I assume all these Nathan memories are going to lead to some kind of appearance. OMG-when Sylar DOES figure this out…Angela and Matt are gonna be in some deep shit.

OK, for a second there Hiro & Deaf Girl were kind of cute together.

Here go Noah and Peter in action. I love Noah with a gun.

Groovy hall of mirrors set. (Any Lady From Shanghai fans out there?) Standard Vulcan Meld hand action. (Funny since the Reboot!) Mama Sylar!

Damn that boy has a lot of chest hair.

TALENT SHOW???? Oh please no! Not after I just rewatched “Broken” from House MD.

HOLY SHIT!!!!! Cool Peter getting shot and frozen blood splatter effect.

Peter does his best “Captain Jack coming back to life” gasp.

Hiro, do you really have to give me massive embarrassment squick just to prove your power to Emma?

Alright…that was kind of cute. And they still have some Nice chemistry.

“You keep your Japanese tush in this bed.”

Great….Now I’m seeing some nice unhealthy Noah/Jeremy. Because this show does that to me. Touchy touchy, there Noah.

Oh Ernie!!!! This is NOT going to end well. OH! Didn’t see that coming.

“Don’t just stand there. Get a mop!”

Awwwwww! Hiro/Emma. Seriously. Write the fic. I’ll read it. They could be a fluff pairing. And give me the Samuel/Sylar or even Sylar/Edgar or Samuel/Sylar/Edgar.

But here comes the Het cannon Sylar/Lydia. OH PLEASE!

How can Hiro save Charlie when she’s on Glee now?

Strange Attractors

Matt & Janice getting busy? DNW!!!!

On the other hand…Sexy Sylar… bring it on.

Southern red-neck cop is SO heading for a very bad end.

Noah/Tracy. I’m still not convinced.

Claire/Gretchen. I was glad that they weren’t doing lesbian psycho-stalker chick, but I’m still not crazy about the pairing.

So this is where the powers/equals gay thing gets explicit?

But I love Sorority girl/Carnival girl. She’s the first one of the carnival people I’ve felt particularly attached to. Also she’s first female POC since Monica and I’m really hoping they do not waste her as badly as Monica was wasted.

Sylar/Matt----OMG!!!! Sylar in Matt’s head is the fucking sexiest motherfucking bastard ever. Mattie? Sylar called him Mattie! (Or was he referring to the kid?)

Jeremy/Tracy---nice scene---(Hubby is screaming at Noah and Tracy to get a FUCKING LAWYER)

I don’t think Tracy would do well in the Carnival.

Not caring about sorority crap. Or Gretchen’s bisexuality.

Tracy’s white pants are VERY TIGHT! (Hubby’s looking for a camel-toe.)

Lydia/Tracy. Femslash, please?
OH SYLAR/MATT!!!! So freaking cute. How they can even film these scenes without cracking up is beyond me.

Matt! Do not call your OLD BOYFRIEND, Mohinder. Although Sylar doing a Mohinder imitation is the most awesome thing ever.

OH SHIT!!! Jeremy…So what was the point of putting us through that? To show Tracy that the Carnival is the answer? This is stupid and fucked up. (And reminds me too much of Maya for anybody’s own good.)

Drunken Matt! Awesome, but it’s not like he stay drunk all the time, right? Especially since the next thing that’s probably going to happen to him is detox.


“Don’t ever call me again.” (So much for that ship. For now, anyway.)

Matt/Sylar!!!!!!!! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!

And Samuel….it’s taken five weeks or so, but I finally like you. I know I’m being manipulated but I cheered when he took down the redneck bastard’s police station.

Final score---a little stupid and a lot of AWESOME.

Tags: heroes, journal

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