karaokegal (karaokegal) wrote,

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Is Everybody Happy??? - Come As You're Not- Day 7

It's almost over, but not just yet.

Karaoke and Sushi were a spectacular success. filthgoblin's rendition of Living On A Prayer totally rockin' the house. kimberweeme did "You're So Vain" and a bunch of us got up to sing Mick Jagger back-up parts. Many others performed and mass quantities of rice and raw fish were consumed.

I can tell people are getting really burnt, tired, and stiff. (Whatever have you people been getting up to with those bartenders?) So guess what today is?


Today the Chelsea Drugstore will be transformed into the spa of your dreams with massages (including the hot rocks), hot tubs, steam rooms, and wraps as desired.

The party will officially end at midnight with the appropriate song and the distribution of the Rainbow sparkle "I Survived CAYN 2009" tee-shirts.

Since I'm sure there will be a few straggling costumes over the next week, I'll continue to pimp anything that comes in and I'd really appreciate it if you gave those a look too.

It's gonna be a great last day, so keep reading and keep commenting.

Here come The Style Council to give us a Headstart For Happiness

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