So who else is going to get their own episode? I think the Weird Night Janitor Who Wears His Pants Backwards and Marco the Pharmacist should demand equal time.
According to Wiki this was directed by Michael Weston, who plays Lucas. I have no particular quibbles with the direction, and I think he directs Lisa E. with a lot of attention.
However, Mr. Thomas Moran who did the script, we need to talk.
Note to Thomas Moran, Michael Weston, David Shore et al: A hard dick is NOT a necessity for a female orgasm. You want to convince me that Lucas is Mr. Wonderful? How about having the "Sorry babe" scene followed by some knowing smiles and a fade-to-black. This show has never been shy about implied oral sex and masturbation. I'm sure they could have gotten something past standards and practices. We know these people are reading fanfic...they couldn't find some smut that depicts acts other than intercourse?)
Lisa E's Yoga Body is beautiful and I like to see the yabbos as much as anybody, but the jokes are getting old. I feel like Hugh isn't bothering to sell them anymore. So can we keep the puppies covered for a while?
Am I really supposed to believe that Lucas (who was last scene causing House to get an nasty gash on his face from whatever he did to House's handicap bar) would then ask him to go on a stakeout AND tell him about his and Cuddy's sex life? REALLY?
I think Lisa did some great acting, but the script was just such a pile-on of arbitrary shit to throw at her, that it was really hard to care about any of it, and her put-upon looks got really tiresome.
About the only thing I'm happy about is that House didn't play the knight in shining armour by saving her ass in some way, however, that left a bunch of completely unrealistic resolutions to the arbitrary shit.
In "real life" the insurance company would NOT have backed down, so if they really want to follow up last week's anti-war statement with a health insurance reform manifesto, they should actually have shown the insurance company being the bastards they are rather than giving in for no apparent reason.
The two things we got from this episode were that Cuddy's job sucks and that House seems to know he's in a TV show, while Cuddy doesn't, which is why she suffers so much more than him. The line about "I'll talk to Wilson about something completely un-related" wasn't even Meta. That was lampshade hanging.
Hugh and Lisa had some nice scenes together, but there's still an unpleasant aura of him being obsessed with her that I feel is Shore dropping anvils that Lucas is still nothing but a plot point designed to be an obstacle between House and Cuddy.
Nothing to say for or agin House/Wilson this week, except that I'm always happy to see House getting a "massage." We can assume that the living arrangements have put a crimp in Hooker Day, but not that House has given up Hooker Day.
I liked the new nurse. I miss Brenda, but this gal was ok.
I love you Jesse, but that fist-fight was the fakest looking thing ever.
I still have NO IDEA what Foreman was sulking about this week.
Unless I'm mistaken neither 13 or Taub had actual dialogue this week. Points for that, and also for an "All In" reference.
Seriously though...enough with the gimmick episodes. Just get back to basics. An interesting PoTW, a funny clinic patient, H/W subtext, a few good lines for everybody, and some cast integration. You know, the show people actually used to like?