karaokegal (karaokegal) wrote,

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House Babble for Black Hole

On-line House Party attended by Michelleann68, Evila_Elf and by Hubby in the flesh.

Hubby called that the "star effects" were going to be a neurological even before the initial planetarium reveal.

Stupidest House/Wilson sub-plot ever. Complete and total filler posing as H/W fanservice. I hate when they make House try to act like Wilson and make Wilson act like socially inept dork. I will give the fluffers the smile at the end. House and Wilson were clearly happy with each other there and obviously going to have sex, possibly even good sex with foreplay and afterglow.

Mind you the real subtext is that this week Wilson is the needy girl who will do anything for House's approval and last weeks issues are completely forgotten again, including the fact that Wilson did screw the nurse, but never mind.

The "looking at the patient's brain" stuff came right out of "Until The End of The World."

I don't care about Taub and his wife. I will never care about Taub and his wife. I do not NOT EVER WANT TO SEE TAUB AND HIS WIFE HAVING SEX. EVER!!!! I don't want to listen to Taub whine about his problems to Chase/Foreman/or 13.

Taub got ONE laugh out of me in the whole episode and it wasn't the black hole/anus joke. I can't remember what it was, but it was only one.,

Second week in a row for a one-scene Cuddy cameo, but she did get the line of the day with "Back pack through Europe."

And we're back to Everybody Lies and Parents are Scum. It's Fidelity, Skin Deep etc all over again. But the boyfriend is going to forgive his slut girl-friend, but not the pig-father?

Does anyone know who played the girl's mother or the boyfriend's father? They both looked really familiar and IMDB doesn't have a list up yet.

Tags: house babble, house md, journal

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