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Speaking of drabbles and challenges,

And while we're at it...don't forget


Madeleine L’Engle’s A Ring of Endless Light
Re-Evaluation by

A really sweet, gentle story, with great details and an emotional sweep that catches up with you when you don't even see it coming.
Cause You've Got An Awfully Long Way To Go by
GUYS!!! It's Glee. It's Kurt/Puck. It's by
Little Green...Men by
Kinky Jack/Aliens stuff written for Porn Battle VII
Hot stuff, especially Jack's incredibly shameless real!Jackness. In the alley, with the aliens, one of whom might be "in training." Gotta love it.
Comfort by
This may be a repeat. I might have recced when I first read it, but it turned up on my "to read" list from when I went back and printed it out to savor all over again, so here I am pimping again. It's a little dicey, because I know the author and I have differing views about the characters and the meanings, and I don't mean to rub salt, etc etc.
Basically I read and rec this fic as something I think spells out the truth about J/I. I haven't read the novels or listened to the radio-plays so to me this could have taken place at any time in pre-CoE Torchwood and it would say exactly the same thing about Jack and Ianto. As well as Gwen and Ianto and all of Torchwood for that matter.
Anyway, it's an awesome brutal angst/smut h/c fic. Just don't go looking for fluffy-schmoop about any couple, cause it ain't there.
I Met You In Low Places by
Rating R
This makes me SO HAPPY. A great, hot angsty Jack/Vaughn fic, that basically hits every single one of my Jack/Vaughn buttons multiple times. Needy Vaughn/Emotionally withholding Jack....mrrrrrrowwwwww.
Sci-fic Crack!fic
The Conquest of Scalzi the Humorless by
I don't even know how to describe it, but it was written for This contest to benefit the Lupus Alliance of America and it's some of the wackiest crack I have ever read.
Go give it a try. I promise we'll give you your brain back afterwards.