karaokegal (karaokegal) wrote,

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Who Babble for The Pandorica Opens


Can you just imagine Moff sitting at his lap-top, chuckling diabolically to himself, and thinking something along the lines of "Hey, Russell, eat your heart out!"

Really, that was just amazingly, wonderfully, epic and I loved all of it, especially River. Fuck off, River haters. Just FOAD. She is awesome. As is Liz 10 and Amy, so all the "Moff is a Misogynist" folks can STFU as well.

Loved Rory (although I was spoiled, so I didn't get emotionally invested in his return). Love Winston and Vincent and the Time Vortex off a "handsome Time Agent's hand" and River and the Doctor and all the aliens ganging up on the Doctor. JUST LOVED IT.

Can't wait to see what happens next.

And I will say that I think this ALL points the way toward Jack in Series 2, since the whole "OH MOFF DOESN'T WANT ANY OF RUSSELL'S CHARACTERS" meme is pretty much blown out of the water.
Tags: who-babble

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