karaokegal (karaokegal) wrote,

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Beautiful day, Brunch in the Castro

Yes, it's a good day for singing a song,
and it's a good day for moving alone;
Yes, it's a good day, how could anything go wrong,
A good day from morning' till night

Yes, it's a good day for shining your shoes,
and it's a good day for losing the blues;
Everything go gain and nothing' to lose,
`Cause it's a good day from morning' till night

I said to the Sun, " Good morning sun
Rise and shine today"
You know you've gotta get going
If you're gonna make a showin'
And you know you've got the right of way.

`Cause it's a good day for paying your bills;
And it's a good day for curing your ills,
So take a deep breath and throw away your pills;
`Cause it's a good day from morning' till night.

Another absolutely gorgeous day in the Mission and Castro. Sunshine. Blue skies. Street sales. Girls in sundresses showing off their tattoos. Pretty boys in almost nothing showing off their everything.

We walked up to Castro looking for a new brunch place and ended up at Luna on Castro, not to be confused with Luna Park on Valencia. We'd had dinner at Luna once when we failed to get to Anchor Oyster Bar in time to get in for dinner and it was good, but the brunch menu was reallyreally good. Hubby had a Dutch Benedict (lox instead of Canadian Bacon) and I had the Popeye Omelet with spinach, bacon, cheese and mushroom. It came with a biscuit. REALLY GOOD BISCUIT.

We sat outside on the patio, under an awning with the sun and flowers and soft breezes which made us think of Hawaii and start planning our next trip.

On the way home, we stopped at an Indian store having a sale and he bought an amber bead necklace. (Mr. karaokegal is part Lithuanian and has a strong affinity for amber.)

The plan for today is to pretty much chill out, so I can work on fanfic until it's time to leave for the concert

Tidbit from the Couch of Happiness: (I'm going to start doing more of this bloggy stuff. I see things every day that I want to share with you folks.)

Yesterdays Jon Carroll column.

Jon is an awesome columnist and if he's not syndicated where you are, I highly recommend. This column is about current techology and where we were in 1975.
Tags: journal

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